Configure my Invoice Template
To configure your invoice template, go to Configurations > Configurations.
Then click on the Customize tab. From here, you can choose your templates:
- Invoices template
- Quotes templates
- Delivery forms template
- Purchase orders template
- Purchase receptions template
- Statement template
- Emails template
- Cheques model
Click on Save.
Once you've chosen your invoice template, you can further customize it via the Configurations > Configurations menu, and then in the Global tab.
Scroll down until you find Branches. Select a branch.
The information displayed on the invoice is taken from the branch in the Customization of Documents tab.
You can modify the following information:
- Text to display at the bottom of invoices
- Text to display at the bottom of quotes
- Text to display at the bottom of purchase orders
- Text to display at the bottom of delivery notes
Click on Save.
In the Numbering tab,
- Prefix on sales numbers
- Prefix on quotes numbers
- Prefix on invoices numbers
- Prefix on purchases numbers
- Prefix on PO numbers
- Next sale number
- Next quote number
- Next invoice number
- Next purchase number
- Next PO number
Click on Save.
For invoice messages, it is also possible to add one specifically for a client in the Term written on invoices by clicking on Client > Client > Terms tab.
If you'd like a customized model, ask your sales representative.
3 weeks
Bianca da Silveira De Amorim