Paypal Configuration - Allow Clients to Make Payments with a Credit Card
If you don't have a large volume, PayPal is an interesting solution for accepting credit cards to pay your clients' invoices on GEM-BOOKS. If your sales are growing, or if you think you already have enough volume to go through a conventional payment provider, don't hesitate to contact your sales representative for references compatible with GEM-BOOKS.
In order to configure Paypal on GEM-BOOKS, please ensure that your Paypal account is a “Business” account (Payments Pro). If this is already the case, you can proceed directly to step 1.
To do so, you need to activate Paypal's Payments Pro option (monthly fee).
Here's how to activate it:
After a few days, your account will be verified and you can proceed to step 1.
Step 1
Here's how to find the information you need to set up GEM-BOOKS. Once connected to your Paypal account, click on the avatar menu at top right (your name), then on Account Settings.
In the NVP/SOAP integration (classic) section, click on Manage API authentication information.
Then make sure Request API signature is selected, and click Agree and Submit.
The three pieces of information required for configuration on GEM-BOOKS will now be displayed.
On your GEM-BOOKS, go to Configurations > Configurations.
Then click on the API tab. In the Merchant Account section, choose Paypal, then enter the information from your Paypal account on GEM-BOOKS, like this (click “Show” on Paypal to view and copy the value). When this is complete, be sure to save the configurations on GEM-BOOKS, and then click on “Done” in your Paypal account.
Your Paypal is now configured on your GEM-BOOKS. To learn more about the benefits of this, please consult the following FAQ: Accept Credit Card Payments.
IMPORTANT: Paypal does not allow you to register your customer's credit card for recurring payments. It is only used to make one-off payments, for example, when sending an invoice by e-mail.
1 month
Bianca da Silveira De Amorim