
CCQ - Configure Employee Categories or Jobs CCQ

Before you can run CCQ payrolls, you must have human resources with at least one CCQ-related employee category.

To create new employee categories, go to Payrolls > Configurations > Employee categories > +New.


You'll probably have a lot of employee categories to create. For example: if two of your employees, Annie and Stéphane, are plasterers in the same union, you need to start by creating an employee category that will then apply to both Annie and Stéphane. If Annie is not in the same union as Stéphane, the trick is to create an employee category for Annie and duplicate this category, changing only the union.

From the list, you can add, delete or edit. The green lines are the categories that are linked to the CCQ, as indicated in the last column of each line. Click on +New to add a new category, or on a list entry to edit an existing one. 

When creating a new one, enter the following information:

  • Employee category: Enter the name of the category. This will be used to associate it with a human resource, and will be visible at payroll time. Tip: Use the trade name you select in the CCQ tab.
  • Salary, Benefits and Commissions: Accounting account to be used for this category.
  • This category has a CNESST rate different from the standard: If the category does not use the same CNESST rate as the configuration in the payroll parameters, please check this option and a field for entering the rate will be displayed.

Click on Save.

Next, go to the Configurations tab and click on +New and insert Other revenues, Other deductions and Non-monetary advantages.


Simply select the sector, trade, skills, appendices, union and region of the CCQ class, and GEM-BOOKS will display the CCQ rate results linked to the configurations you've entered. If no result is found, the combination you have entered does not exist with the CCQ.

Once you've completed the parameters, you can save the category, which is then ready to be assigned to a human resource.


Posted  1 month  ago by  Bianca da Silveira De Amorim
#2333 23 views Edited  3 weeks  ago

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