
Duplicate a Purchase Made From a Supplier in GEM-BOOKS

Duplicating a purchase from a supplier is a practical function that enables you to quickly recreate an existing order.

With this option, you can reproduce the details of a previous purchase without re-entering each item, optimizing the ordering process and reducing the risk of error.

Select the supplier from the Suppliers > Suppliers menu.


Then click on the Purchases tab and select the purchase you wish to duplicate.


In the next window, click on the clipboard icon at the bottom of the page.


To duplicate it, choose Yes in the confirmation box with the following message: “Are you sure you want to make a copy of this purchase?”.


In the new purchase window, the copy displays a private note in the Notes tab.


Other articles on the subject:

Delete a Customer/Resource/Employee/Supplier

Purchases To Be Entered Manually in Accounting 


Posted  3 months  ago by  Bianca da Silveira De Amorim
#2137 61 views Edited  3 months  ago

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