
Cancel All or Part of a Transaction in GEM-BOOKS

To check your transactions, click on Accounting > Transactions.


Cancel a transaction

Option 1: Delete line with trash can

If you're on the transaction in question and there's a trash can at the end of the line, you can click on it.


Option 2: Reverse the transaction manually

Make a new transaction, exactly like the first one, but everything in CREDIT, you put in DEBIT and everything in DEBIT, you put in CREDIT.

In doing so, you'll be making a transaction exactly the opposite of the first, so the two transactions will cancel each other out and you'll be able to make the right transaction again.


Option 3: Reverse the transaction automatically

Go to the transaction and click on the recycle icon.


Taxable or non-taxable?

Sometimes it's easier to enter the amount with taxes and have GEM-CAR deduct the taxes.

In this case, simply enter the total amount and click on “TX INCL”. You'll then see the total amount reduced by the taxes and the taxes entered.


Other articles on the subject:

Retrieve your Favorite Transactions in GEM-BOOKS

Transaction Modification History in GEM-BOOKS

Examples of Common Transactions in GEM-BOOKS



Posted  3 months  ago by  Bianca da Silveira De Amorim
#2131 33 views Edited  3 months  ago

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