
Add a Verbal Authorization in the Point of Sale

While verbal agreements can be binding, they are often more challenging to enforce or prove in case of a dispute compared to written contracts.

To avoid potential issues, it's recommended to document agreements in writing.

This written agreement, often in the form of a work order or invoice, should include details such as:

Scope of work: clearly outline the services to be provided.

Cost estimates: specify the estimated cost of the services and any potential additional charges.

Terms and conditions: include payment terms, warranty information, and any other relevant conditions.

Authorization: include a section where the customer can provide written authorization for the work.

In order to complete a verbal authorization, right click on the item that was agreed on verbally.

A small menu will open up and select the Verbal authorization tab. 


The Verbal authorization window will open, fill in the blank fields and click on Save and Close to confirm the verbal authorization.


Other articles on the subject:

How to Find Products in the Point of Sale in GEM-BOOKS

How to Apply a Margin to a Product Added Manually 

Creating a Product or a Service from the Point of Sale in GEM-BOOKS 

Retrieve Client's Estimate in the Point of Sale in GEM-BOOKS


Posted  2 months  ago by  Bianca da Silveira De Amorim
#2210 45 views Edited  2 months  ago

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