
Why certain transactions are blocked, locked or cannot be modified in GEM-BOOKS?

Here are the circumstances that can make a transaction unmodifiable

1- You do not have the necessary rights to modify transactions:

  • In this case, you must ask an administrator to give you the necessary rights.

2- The transaction is in a closed period:

  • In this case, you must cancel the period associated with the transaction date.

3- The transaction is associated with an invoice from the sales module:

  • In this case, the transaction must be modified via the sales module.

4- The transaction is associated with a purchase order from the purchasing module:

  • In this context, the transaction must be modified via the purchasing module.

5- The transaction is an invoice to which a payment has already been applied:

  • In this case, the payment must first be withdrawn.

6- The transaction is a payment linked to a cheque, direct deposit or pre-authorized payment:

  • In this case, the payment must be deleted beforehand.


Other articles on the subject:

Retrieve your Favorite Transactions in GEM-BOOKS

Examples of Common Transactions in GEM-BOOKS

Purchases To Be Entered Manually in Accounting

Transaction Modification History in GEM-BOOKS


Posted  4 months  ago by  Bianca da Silveira De Amorim
#2104 59 views Edited  4 months  ago

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