
Obligations Applicable to Garage Owners Act 25 Quebec

Important Points of Bill 25 and its Consequences for Garages in Quebec

1. Governance of Personal Information :

  • Adoption of Privacy Policies: Your garage must establish and disseminate a clear privacy policy, explaining how you manage your customers' personal information.
  • Data Protection Officer: You must designate a person responsible for the protection of personal data, whose contact details must be published.

2. Consent and Transparency:

  • Obtaining Consent: To collect, use or disclose personal information, you must obtain your customers' explicit consent. This consent must be clear and distinct from any other information.
  • Information on Data Use: You must inform your customers about the reasons for collecting their data, the third parties with whom you share this information, and whether this data may be transferred outside Quebec.
    3. Data Security :

3. Protecting Sensitive Information:

  • Sensitive information (such as financial or medical information) must be particularly protected. You must implement security measures to prevent data leakage.
  • Breach Notification: In the event of a data leak, you must promptly notify the Commission d'accès à l'information and the persons concerned.

4. Consequences and penalties :

  • Financial penalties: In the event of non-compliance, your garage could face fines of up to $10 million or 2% of annual sales, or even up to $25 million or 4% of worldwide sales in serious cases (Quebec) (Daillac - App Web Development).
  • Increased liability: Compliance with Bill 25 is essential to avoid heavy penalties and protect your garage's reputation.

Why it's important for garages

  • Customer protection: Protecting personal information strengthens your customers' trust and enhances your reputation.
  • Legal Obligations: Failure to comply with Law 25 can result in significant financial penalties and damage your business.
  • Data security: Ensuring the security of personal information prevents data leaks that could affect your customers and your business.
    Steps to Compliance:

Establish a Privacy Policy:

  • Create and disseminate a clear privacy policy on the management of personal data.
  • Train staff: Ensure that all employees understand the new requirements and know how to protect customer information.
  • Appoint a Privacy Officer: Appoint a Privacy Officer and publish his or her contact details.
  • Evaluate and Adapt Procedures: Conduct regular evaluations of your data practices to ensure you remain compliant with the law.

Complying with Law 25 is not only a legal obligation, but also a sign of seriousness and respect towards your customers.


Posted 2 months agoby Bianca da Silveira De Amorim
#190939 viewsEdited 2 months ago

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