
Payment Method: ConfiguringTerminals and More

Payment Terminal Configurations: Automatic vs Manual

Automatic payments with terminals From the left main menu, click on Sales > Configurations > Configurations. Click on +New in the Terminals Section. Only two types of terminals are accepted: Moneris Till For Moneris Payment Terminal Configurations See Configuring your…
116 viewsPosted 4 months agoby Olivier Brunel

Payment Method Configurations: Credit Card Payments

Configure credit card payments by manual entry, by phone, by email, or even automatically for subscriptions, for example. See Payment method configurations: credit card payments if you want to link your payment terminal to the application. 1) Configure your payment…
98 viewsPosted 4 months agoby Olivier Brunel

Send Payment Requests Through Email

To send a payment request by email, your credit card payment method must be configured. See Payment Method Configurations: Credit Card Payments for more details. Additionally, SMTP configurations must also be done beforehand to allow sending payment emails. See SMTP…
85 viewsPosted 4 months agoby Olivier Brunel

Configure a New Type of Payment Method

To modify your payment methods, from the main menu on the left of the application, click on Sales > Configurations > Payment methods. Modify your payment methods by clicking on the method you want to change or add a payment…
77 viewsPosted 4 months agoby Olivier Brunel

Payment Method Configurations - PayPal for Payment by Credit Card

If you do not have a high volume of transactions, PayPal could be a solution to consider for accepting credit card payments. Then, if your sales increase and you need a more suitable solution, please contact your GEM-CAR representative for…
74 viewsPosted 4 months agoby Olivier Brunel

Signing up to Virtual Terminal to Allow Payment by Email: the Nuvei Option

Nuvei offers Virtual Terminal to allow payment by email. Here is Nuvei's Website for more information. At the time of writing this FAQ article, the subscription is 20$/ month and 2.95% for the card fees for this service. To subscribe,…
60 viewsPosted 3 months agoby Nadine Toutant

Till Payment Configurations

To receive Automatic Payments with terminals, you need to click on Configurations > Configurations. Then click API > Merchant Accounts > +New. On the next page, enter the following information: Processor Currency Status Merchant ID Secret key Account number Shared…
2 viewsPosted 4 days agoby Bianca da Silveira De Amorim

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