
Purpose of the Active or Inactive Field of a Record

In order to preserve the integrity of the history of your transactions and entries, the platform intentionally does not offer the possibility of deleting any record.

All the records created are saved in the database and will remain there as long as the company remains operational.

No matter if it is a Client, a Supplier, an Account, a Product, or any other records, the system is built to forbid the deletion of the various records constituting the database.

Instead, GEM-CAR is designed to offer the alternative of modifying the status of each record from Active to Inactive or vice versa.

Here is how this option allowing you to change the status of a record is presented to you visually on the various screens.

First, locate the Status field in a record.

Click on Clients > Clients. 

You can now change the status of this record and toggle between Active and Inactive simply by clicking on it. 

Then click on Save

When one of your Clients, Suppliers, Accounts or even a Human Resource is no longer part of your current operations, you will want these records to be considered inactive. You no longer have to delete these records, which are now part of the company's past transaction history.

Simply change the status of the appropriate master record accordingly. 

The data will still be recorded and these records retained, but they will not appear in the on-screen lists or in the printed reports, as long as you indicate in the filters that you only want to see records with the status Active.

This is another demonstration of the designers' and developers' concern to make your life as simple as possible, by allowing you to put the power of the software at your service.

Keeping absolutely everything, but letting you work only with current and relevant data, on a daily basis.

Isn't it reassuring and safe to know that absolutely everything remains recorded and accessible, but that you only work with what is useful to you now?


Posted 4 months agoby Olivier Brunel
#14376 viewsEdited 2 months ago

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