
Read-only Field with Pastel Color: Not Editable

Some fields appear with muted colors, i.e. in "view only" mode.

In GEM-CAR, the write access that a user has for the various fields is controlled by the rights that are granted by the system administrator. These rights vary from one user to another and are defined in consideration of many factors, but mainly and particularly by the nature of the position that the user holds within the company, both internally and externally.

The system administrator can configure the profile of each user in GEM-CAR, so that they can define precisely what each user is allowed to see in each of the windows through all the various modules, and also determine whether the user is allowed to modify the information contained in each of the fields or whether he is in "consultation only" mode.

If you need to be able to modify the content of certain fields that you currently see but for which the "view only" restriction is in effect, please ask your system administrator, who can modify the rights and restrictions defined in your user profile.

The system administrator may also allow you access to certain other information that you may need, with or without editing rights, but which is currently unavailable to you because of restrictions in your user profile.

We claim that GEM-CAR offers a fully customizable work experience.

Posted 4 months agoby Olivier Brunel
#13157 viewsEdited 4 months ago

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