
Take Photos of the Vehicle Serial Number (VIN) with your Cell Phone at the Point of Sale

Taking photos of the VIN with your cell phone at the Point of Sale is a crucial step in ensuring the accuracy of vehicle information. This quick and easy method enables the VIN to be accurately documented, avoiding errors during manual entry.

Using a smartphone, staff can easily capture and archive this information, which is particularly useful for vehicle tracking, inventory management and administrative checks. This contributes to more efficient sales processes and greater transparency with clients.

At the Point of Sale, click on the small camera in the Serial Number/VIN menu, but you must be on the mobile application to perform this action.


Other articles on the subject:

How the Serial Number/VIN Decoder Works

Understand the Different Colors of the Serial Number/VIN


Posted  1 month  ago by  Bianca da Silveira De Amorim
#2161 4 views Edited  2 days  ago

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