
Create a New Vehicle - Point of Sale

If the right vehicle isn’t selected, you can always add a new vehicle to any client, at any time. 

You can do it using the Vehicles menu: Create a New Vehicle - Vehicles Tab

Or you can create a new vehicle at the Point of Sale: select a client in the Point of Sale, you can after click on the red + on Vehicle menu.

Write and check the following information:

  • Serial number/VIN
  • Type
  • Year
  • Brand
  • Model
  • Color

Note: Try and fill all of the fields even the unrequired ones, it will save you energy over time.

Then click on Save and Close.


Other articles on the subject:

Select and/or Edit the Client's Profile 

Add Notes to a Vehicle and Access Them via Point of Sale

Using Vehicle Files

Transferring a Vehicle from One Customer to Another Customer


Posted 4 months agoby Olivier Brunel
#76100 viewsEdited 3 weeks ago

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