
Cleanup Tool - Clean up Duplicate Clients (put -1, -2, etc...)

When importing data, you can use the Cleanup Tool options to make work easier, optimize data and avoid errors.

To access the Cleanup Tool, click on the left menu under Tools > Cleanup Tool. 


Selecting the Clean up Duplicate Clients (put -1, -2, etc...) eliminates duplicates in customer files and avoids confusion in management. This improves data accuracy, ensuring that transactions and communications are sent to the right customer.

Your GEM-CAR system is better organized, making it easier to consult and update files. Eliminating duplicates reduces operational errors, such as reporting and transaction failures. It also improves the customer experience, making interactions more personalized and efficient.

Other Cleanup Tool options: 

Posted  2 months  ago by  Bianca da Silveira De Amorim
#2266 42 views Edited  2 months  ago

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