
Cleanup Tool - Reassign Category Configurations to Estimate Products (Accounting Accounts)

When importing data, you can use the Cleanup Tool options to make work easier, optimize data and avoid errors.

To access the Cleanup Tool, click on the left menu under Tools > Cleanup Tool. 


Selecting the Reassign Category Configurations to Estimate Products (Accounting Accounts) option ensures that accounting accounts are correctly assigned to products, facilitating financial control.

This ensures the accuracy of accounting reports, avoiding classification errors. The company is able to improve inventory and cost control, as well as optimize tax management and audits.

The functionality also reduces manual adjustments, optimizing financial processes and increasing efficiency. In addition, it ensures compliance with accounting and tax regulations, offering greater transparency in financial operations. This contributes to more accurate and efficient financial management.


Other Cleanup Tool options: 

Posted  2 months  ago by  Bianca da Silveira De Amorim
#2264 41 views Edited  2 months  ago

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