
Cleanup Tool - Make Products Without Inventory Quantity Inactive

When importing data, you can use the Cleanup Tool options to make work easier, optimize data and avoid errors.

To access the Cleanup Tool, click on the left menu under Tools > Cleanup Tool. 


If you select the Make Products Without Inventory Quantity Inactive option, products that are not available in the inventory are automatically marked as inactive.

This makes the product inventory cleaner and easier to manage, as it only displays items that are actually available. It also facilitates the work of stock managers, who can concentrate on active products and the replenishment of important items.

Inactive products are temporarily removed from the main list, reducing the risk of operational errors.

You can select this option and choose the category or categories to which this option will be restricted in option 3.1 Restrict to these categories.

Other Cleanup Tool options: 


Posted  2 months  ago by  Bianca da Silveira De Amorim
#2272 43 views Edited  2 months  ago

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